Tempted to run to your doctor for some drugs for that little sniffle? The US Centers for Disease Control is observing Antibiotic Awareness Week from November 18-24, 2021. While antibiotics have revolutionized medicine and have saved countless lives, they are also now one of the most misused and dangerous classes of medications. For example, most of our upper respiratory symptoms are viruses (yep, COVID), allergies, or minor infections for which antibiotics aren’t appropriate. The danger comes both in the short term (dangerous side effects or allergic reactions) and in the long term (allowing antibiotic resistance to flourish – superbugs!). Be sure to keep yourself as healthy as possible, discuss your situation thoroughly with your healthcare provider, and take your prescriptions exactly as written (no saving up the last few pills for future self-treatment!). For more information, visit https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/week/get-involved.html.